The Magic of Tubes 真空管の魔法
Do you listen to tubes?
Do you wish for more musical enjoyment out of your existing system?
Then you may wish to take a listen to the iTUBE.
Tubes are Good for You 真空管はあなたにとって良いものです
Many audiophiles wax lyrical about the ‘magic of tubes.’ Why? Because the scientific fact is that adding tubes to a HiFi system increases our intrinsic enjoyment of music. The harmonic characteristic of tubes eases tension and gives us a greater sense of well-being.多くのオーディオファイルは、“真空管の魔法”にひどく感激します。なぜでしょう? 科学的事実は、ハイファイ・システムに真空管を加えると、私たちの本能である音楽を聴く楽しみが増すということなのです。真空管の調和的な特徴が緊張を和らげ、より大きな幸福感を与えてくれるのです。
The Frankfurt University of Music and Performing Arts conducted an extensive scientific study*(1) where participants reported an ~60% decrease of tension, nervousness and a 120% increased sense of well-being with a HiFi system including tubes, when compared to a solid-state system.
We still do not fully understand why tubes do that “voodoo they do”, but the scientific evidence is clear and it re-affirms our subjective sense of enhanced music enjoyment.
*(1) Jürgen Ackermann - PhD Thesis at the Frankfurt Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst (Music and Performing Arts University)
ユルゲン・アッカーマン - フランクフルト音楽・パフォーミング・アーツ大学の博士論文
After listening with the iTUBE in your system… システムにiTubeを加えて聴くと...
Do you find you listen to your system longer?今までよりも長く聴いていられますか?
Do you wish to try album after album, to ‘re-discover’ your music collection?
With the iTUBE, expect a resounding ‘YES’ to both.
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