
iFi PowerStation テクニカルノート Part.2 電源ノイズ。これこそが真の災いのもと。


Part 2: Mains noise. A real bane.
Power supply noise is the bane of every audio system. There are always multiple sources of noise and they come from two main sources – inside and outside.

External noise is all around



This chart shows that noise is anywhere and everywhere and some of it inevitably ends up in the mains that supplies the audio system. We can do little about most of these as they come from sources found in everyday life such as radios or mobile phones.

As these are wireless in nature, they are very difficult to deal with at the source, so we need to address the symptom.



The next chart shows the ‘local’ noise sources found in and around an audio system.


Local noise comes from hi-fi components
These sources of noise are found in hi-fi systems and come from three main sources:

  1. AC mains power supplies
  2. Switch-Mode Power Supplies
  3. Digital circuitry.



  1. AC電源
  2. スイッチング電源
  3. デジタル回路

(From left to right:)

The first set of noise sources (10k > 10MHz) relate to AC supply rectifiers and their harmonics caused by Linear Power Supplies (LPS). Yes, they make a noise!
The second set of noise sources (67k > 200 MHz) is caused by Switch-Mode Power Supplies (SMPS). By comparison, these harmonics run in the higher frequencies.
The third set of noise sources (8 MHz > 500 MHz) is caused by digital circuitry, clocks and their harmonics. And this type of noise exists in the most upper frequencies.
You can see from the chart that the concentration of noise is from 30kHz upwards (the lower the dB, the less influential is the noise).




It is worth noting that, as much as LPS designs get a good reputation and SMPS designs get a bad reputation, the reality is somewhere in between. And the situation is dynamic.

LPS designs are on the whole good and, on average, are quieter than poorly designed SMPS power supplies (which tend to be more for charging mobile phones and are not optimised for noise). This is why LPS is often perceived as superior to SMPS.




Hybrid and electric cars used to be shunned, yet they are now all the rage. We believe the same is happening for SMPS. These are now more environmentally-friendly and consume far less power. Whereas all SMPS used to be ‘noisy’, we are one of the few companies who have broken down the SMPS into its constituent parts and fundamentally re-designed it for audiophile use ie super low- noise. The iPower is the ‘Model 3’ of SMPS power supplies.


Nevertheless, not everyone has an iPower at their disposal. It is therefore important to be able to effectively deal with normal SMPS noise which can be quite severe.
The next section explains which aspects of the PowerStation target the different groups of noise and how this compares with the common approach.

Part 3 shows how active beats passive everytime.





iFi audioより、高名なオーディオ・エンジニア=ジョン・カール氏が技術顧問に就任したことが発表されました。以下はiFi audio本社オフィスが発表したプレスリリースです。---------------------


iFi audioと姉妹会社のAMR(アビンドン・ミュージック・リサーチ)は、世界でもっとも尊敬されるハイエンド・オーディオ・エンジニアのひとりであるジョン・カールが技術顧問に就任したことを、喜んで発表させていただきます。



これが契機となって、カールは1970年代初期に若きマーク・レビンソンと一緒に活動することになり、今では伝説となっているMark Levinson Audio Systems JC-2プリアンプを(カールの「コンプリメンタリー・ディファレンシャル・インプット回路」を取り入れた最初の単体製品)、続いてA級動作のML-2パワーアンプを生み出します。彼は他にも、ハイエンド・オーディオ・シーンの多数の著名人と活動しましたが、その中にはデイブ・ウィルソンやジェフ・ローランドも含まれていたのでした。


今日、カールは選び抜かれたオーディオ会社と一緒に仕事をしています。アメリカを拠点とするParasoundや、近年ハイエンド・メーカーの中でももっとも称賛されているConstellation Audioなどです。iFiオーディオとAMRは、過去50年における最高のオーディオ回路のいくつかを作る中で彼が得てきた並外れた経験の利益にあずかれることを、喜んでいます。


Press release - John Curl

John Curl joins iFi and AMR as technical consultant

Highly respected high-end audio engineer is engaged to work across all new design projects

Southport, England – iFi audio and our sister company Abbingdon Music Research (AMR) are pleased to announce that John Curl, one of the world’s most respected high-end audio engineers, has been engaged as a technical consultant.

 Curl is working across all new product designs from iFi and AMR, collaborating closely with our Technical Director Thorsten Loesch to ensure that all circuit designs are fully optimised. The first products to feature his input include our forthcoming ZEN range of desktop audio products – the first of which launches at the end of August – together with all-new high-end components from AMR, due in 2020.

 John’s status at the forefront of high-end audio’s hall of fame has been secure for many years. In 1968, whilst building a mixing console for the Grateful Dead, he developed a solid-state circuit that became a benchmark in high-performance audio – the “complimentary differential-input” circuit, which still appears in application handbooks published by transistor manufacturers today.

 This led to Curl working with a young Mark Levinson in the early 1970s, creating the legendary Mark Levinson Audio Systems JC-2 preamplifier ­– the first standalone product to incorporate Curl’s complementary differential-input circuit – followed by the ML-2 Class A power amplifier. He went on to work with many other luminaries of the high-end audio scene, including Dave Wilson and Jeff Roland.

 Curl is unquestionably one of a small group of engineers whose influence is so great it has altered the direction of audio design. Many of us have listened to equipment he has designed, or that was inspired by his work, often without even realising it. His solid-state circuit designs are lauded as classic exemplars of the type; when asked what makes him different to other audio electronics designers, he once replied, “I have circuit sense”.

 Today, Curl works with a select group of audio companies including US-based Parasound and one of high-end audio’s most lauded manufacturers in recent years – Constellation Audio. iFi audio and AMR are delighted to reap the benefits of the exceptional experience he has gained whilst devising some of the finest audio circuits of the last five decades.

 Vincent Luke, our Sales Director said: “We are excited to have the opportunity to add John’s exceptional expertise to our talented team of technical designers, led by Thorsten Loesch. His insight will help us to further raise the sonic bar with products from both iFi and AMR – from portable and desktop audio to the very finest high-end hi-fi components, we will continue to push the boundaries of design, functionality and performance.”

iFi PowerStation テクニカルノート Part.1 アクティブ化された電源タップ

Active Mains Purification
Poor mains power has an impact on audio. The quality of our mains power is further eroded by the abundance of cheap switch-mode power supplies in typical household appliances and the sea of RFI/EMI in which we are constantly bathed.

The iFi PowerStation is the solution. It forms part of our range of products that reduce ‘noise’ (distortion) in incoming electrical power - both directly from the mains or via USB ports. The PowerStation is the first to offer our proprietary Active Noise Cancellation in a whole-system, six/eight-outlet mains solution.



それを解決するのが、iFiPowerStationです。電源から直接入ってくる、あるいはまたUSBポート経由で入ってくる電力中の「ノイズ」(歪み)を低減する、弊社の一連の製品のひとつです。PowerStationは、弊社独自のActive Noise Cancelation(アクティブ・ノイズ・キャンセレーション)をシステム全体で提供する最初の製品で、6個または8個の電源接続端子が電源の問題を解決します。

Part 1: Actively goes where no power block has gone before
The PowerStation’s core performance–enhancing technology is Active Noise Cancellation II. It is an ACTIVE not a passive product. This enables it to achieve a far more comprehensive termination of noise across the frequency spectrum.

Most power ‘conditioning’ products engage passive noise reduction through a selection of filters and regulators. Whilst this can be effective, it has inherent disadvantages compared to our active system, which uses inverse noise current to cancel out the noise in the mains signal. The way this works is not unlike the technology in noise-cancelling headphones.

Noise in the mains supply occurs at different frequencies, depending on the cause. Passive noise reduction systems are effective at the top end of the frequency spectrum but tend to be less so at lower frequencies. In addition, passive systems need large capacitors to be truly effective, which make the best such products bulky and expensive.

This chart compares the (green line) which is ACTIVE to generic mains filters (red line) which are typically passive.

PowerStationの核心となる、パフォーマンスを強化するテクノロジーが、Active Noise Cancellation 2です。つまり、パッシブではなく、アクティブな製品なのです。これによって、周波数帯域の全体にわたって、従来よりもはるかに広範囲にわたるノイズ除去が可能になります。




The effective noise reduction difference can easily be seen.
i. MUCH better at -40dB
ii. Effective across the WHOLE frequency range

 i -40dBで「ずっと」良好
ii. 周波数帯域「全体」で有効

Our Active Noise Cancellation II is effective in reducing noise consistently across the entire frequency spectrum, by approximately -40dB. This is coupled to additional passive filtering on each outlet to eradicate noise at the very highest frequencies – typically caused by wireless transmission systems. The result is a mains block that delivers highly effective reduction of both differential mode noise (caused by conventional switch-mode power supplies, for example) and common mode noise (including interference caused by Wi-Fi and Bluetooth).

わたしたちのActive Noise Cancellation 2は、周波数帯域全体を通じて、一貫して約-40dB程度ノイズを低減する効果があります。これが、それぞれの電源端子のパッシブ・フィルターと組み合わされて、最高周波数帯域(無線伝送システムが原因となるのが典型です)までノイズを根絶するのです。その結果、ディファレンシャル・モード・ノイズ(たとえば、昔ながらのスイッチング電源が原因となります)とコモン・モード・ノイズ(WiFiBluetoothが原因の干渉)の両方で、きわめて効果の高いノイズ低減を実現する電源ブロックとなっているのです。

Where can the PowerStation be used?
The PowerStation is designed for use with ANY mains powered audio system. It is very effective when used with modern audio systems that have an abundance of digital and analogue components.

Typically, these systems are powered by a plethora of mains plugs. All of these ‘wall warts’ can add their own unwanted noise issues and pollute the local mains supply. The noise busting capabilities of the PowerStation can be taken one step further by adding our AC iPurifier to separate digital and analogue components and reduce cross contamination.


こういったシステムは、多数の電源プラグで給電されるのが典型です。これに使用される「ACアダプター」は、そのすべてが望ましくないノイズを加えて電源を汚染します。PowerStationのノイズ撃退能力は、AC iPurifierを加えてデジタルとアナログのコンポーネントを分離させ、相互汚染を低減させることで、さらに一歩進めることができます。

It can also be used with your home devices such as televisions and computers – anything that would benefit from cleaner power.

Sonic improvements delivered by the PowerStation include greater clarity and definition, plus enhanced dynamic and spatial qualities, avoiding the apparent softening of leading edges, timing and dynamics that can occur with lesser mains filtering products.
Read more about mains noise to Part 2.





新製品iFi Power Station発売


iFiの新しい電源タップiFi Power Stationは、iFi独自の特許技術Active Noise Cancellation II®ANC2®)(アクティブ・ノイズ・キャンセレーション2)を使用して、高性能オーディオ/ AVシステム全体にクラス最高のクリーンパワーソリューションを提供します。
一般的な家庭電源の品質は、通常の家庭用電化製品の安価なスイッチング電源や、空中を漂う電波に起因するRFI / EMIの影響を受けています。音楽信号の原材料たる、システムに供給される電源が汚染している場合、音質への悪影響は避けられません。

Active Noise Cancellation II®(アクティブ・ノイズ・キャンセレーション2
軍事分野の技術を応用して(具体的には、フランスのダッソー・ラファール戦闘機に用いられている「タレス・スペクトラ・レーダー・キャンセレーション・システム」)、iFiはこのテクノロジーをActive Noise Cancellation II®ANC2®)オーディオ・パワー・システムに適合させています。
フィルターを用いたパッシブな電源タップは特定の高域にしか効果がなく、しかも音楽信号にまで影響が及んでしまう製品が多いと言われます。ANC2®を用いたiFi Power Stationは全帯域にわたってノイズのみを抽出し、それを40dBも減衰させるのです。

Solid PurCopper
iFi Power Stationの本体外装は強固なアルミニウムが用いられています。内部では8つのアウトレットコンセントがそれぞれ独立、隔離されて相互の汚染を防いでいます。

グラウンド/アースが存在していない場合に、これを検出します。機能的にはiPurifier ACと同じです。




iPurifier ACとの併用によりさらなる効果
iFi Power StationiPurifier ACとの併用が可能で、それによりノイズを極限まで低減させることができます(本体の空きアウトレットコンセントに挿す)。

iFi audio
iFi Power Station

  • Active Noise Cancelation 2(アクティブ・ノイズ・キャンセレーション2)テクノロジー
  • 電力伝送用にSolid PurCopperTM Bus-Barsを使用
  • 各接続端子に個別のノイズ隔絶チェンバーを装備
  • 高性能なPurCopperTM 接続端子
  • 重量のあるOFHC Continuous CastCopperによる内部配線
  • 極性&アース診断システム
  • 先進のサージ&トランジェント保護システム
  • 専用シャーシによるグラウンド・システム
  • 2500W - 10A MAX 250~

  • ノイズ低減:>40dB(>100x)
  • サージ保護:max.30,000A@1,000V/10μS
  • 動作電圧:90V - 265V
  • サイズ:478mm(長さ)×96mm(幅)×76mm(高さ)
  • 重量:1.98kg(4.37lbs)
  • 保証期間:12ヶ月(仕様は予告なく変更になることがあります。)
  • 標準的な小売価格:69,000円(税別)
  • バーコード:5081313082414
  • 発売日:2019年81
  • 製品日本語Webサイト:こちら
  • 製品マニュアル→こちら

  • 感電の恐れがあるので、他の電源タップには接続しないでください。感電を防ぐために、屋内の乾燥した場所でのみご使用ください。
  • 電源コンセントと配電盤の間が少なくとも10メートル以上離れていない場合は、この製品を設置しないでください。
  • 水槽など、水に関連した製品とは一緒に使用しないでください。
  • 本製品は、iFi audio本社オフィスから電気用品安全法に係る複数の登録検査機関(日本国の登録を受けた検査機関)に問い合わせた見解として、電気用品安全法施行令の定める電気用品(特定電気用品、特定以外の電気用品)に該当しないことを確認しております。そのため、PSEマークの記載がありませんが、これは上記の見解によるものです。